The Brimfield Stick Dance
A traditional dance, based on Hook Eagle Morris' version
Marmalade Polka
Sets of 4 dancers (2 pairs) in a line, facing partners
All Forehand high (F)
Left arm swing / Right arm swing
Long Hey
Right hand star / Left hand star
Long Hey off
In each pair, the one in the middle of the set stands still, holding stick knob-cracking style. Other partner (ends) keeps stepping hitting partner's stick alternately forehand and backhand, on the beat, for 16 steps/taps
Middles stay in position for 16 beats (brandishing sticks lewdly etc.) Meanwhile ends do a reel around the middle two, both starting by passing right shoulders (stick side)
Left Arm Swing/ Right Arm Swing:
Couples do a left arm swing for 6 steps, change arms while stepping on spot for 2 beats, then do a right arm swing for 8 steps. Dancers should be in line on all even numbered beats
Long Hey
All 4 do a long hey, starting by passing right shoulders with partner, back to original beds. After each 8 steps dancers should be in a line
If 2 sets (8 dancers) in a line, then dancers can hey all way through both sets, and final long hey is led off by No.2 from each set
Right stick star / Left hand star
Two in the middle turn to their right and step on the spot for 2 beats. Meanwhile ends move in on two steps to make the star, on step 3 all thrust sticks into the middle and continue the star for 6 steps (8 steps in all). Then all turn round and do left hand star for 6 steps, last two steps no. 1 leads out into original line as at start of dance