One of Dead Horse's Own
6 dancers (2 sets of 3) lined up at each end of the dance area, 3 at each end. Molly's end is "bottom" throughout, even though dancers switch from one end to the other with the two Peels
F=Forehand (high); L=Low
Left Arm Swing/ Right Arm Swing
Peel Out
St Andrew's Cross
Long Hey
St Andrew's Cross
Peel In
Left Arm Swing/ Right Arm Swing
1st set of pudsticking: music plays on for 4 beats, then 1st pair dance on for 4 steps. 1st pair clash for 4 beats F-L-FFF. 2nd pair dance on for 4 steps while 1st pair repeat clash (F-L-FFF). Dancers switch partners so that all 4 are sticking for 4 beats. 3rd pair then dance on for 4, while others repeat sticking. Then all change partners so that all 6 dancers clash (F-L-FFF) twice (32 beats)
2nd Set of Pudsticking: this mirrors the 1st set, only in reverse, so that all clash for 8, then 1st & 2nd pairs change, and 3rd pair dance off, and so on (24 beats)
Left Arm Swing/ Right Arm Swing:
1st swing: Couples do a left arm swing for 6 steps, so that each pair is 90o to their original line. Change over while stepping on the spot for 2 beats. Each pair then does a right arm swing for 8 steps, finishing in two close files (16 beats)
2nd swing: Couples do a left arm swing for 6 steps, finishing so that all 3 pairs are in one line (as for pudsticking), but in opposite places from 1st swing. Change over while stepping on the spot for 2 beats. Each pair then does a right arm swing for 8 steps, finishing in one line (16 beats)
Peel out:
Top pair of dancers turn out and dance up to the other end of the set, followed by other pairs (8 beats)
Cross with partner, turning on 4 and clashing on 6 on the way back (8 beats)
St. Andrew's Cross:
Top four all clash together on 2, then dance to next (left-hand) position on 4. Bottom four then repeat the move. Top four repeat, carrying on alternately until all are back to original position (40 beats). Five of the dancers are moving round the rectangle, whilst no. 1 is constantly moving between the 2 middle positions
Long Hey:
3-Man hey danced down the line of the set, passing right shoulders (16 beats)
Peel In:
Top pair of dancers turn in and dance up to the other end of the set, followed by other pairs (8 beats)