A traditional dance, collected by Maud Karpeles in 1937, adopted from Powderkeg Morris' version
Any multiple of 2, in pairs; facing and close
Chorus (P on the Floor / Sticking)
Back to Back
Mini Morris
Sod off Left
Sod off Right
Sod off Together
P on the Floor: (16 beats)
Switch over for 4, turn right, making a half circle in 4, then rush into big cuddles with partner, back to place after 8
Sticking: (16 beats)
Stick napping style 1-2-3-4-5-6 pausing on the 7th beat and tapping overhead on partner's horizontal stick on te 8th beat. Partner repeats. No. 1's side sticks first
Back to Back: (16 beats)
Passing right hand side, cross over for 4, shuffling to the right on the final beat, then come back across (backwards) in 4, passing left hand side, shuffling to the left on the last beat. Repeat, only passing left when going across, then passing right-hand side when going backwards
Mini Morris: (16 beats)
Partners stick quarterstaff fashion (1-2-123), whilst circling clockwise for 8 beats. The repeat sticking whilst circling anti-clockwise for 8 more, back to place.
Sod off Left: (16 beats)
Each line of dancers dances straight off left at speed, led by the far left dancer in each case. Dance left for 8, then back on, led by the far right dancer in each line, to place.
Sod off Right: (16 beats)
Each line of dancers dances straight off right at speed, led by the far right dancer in each case. Dance right for 8, then back on, led by the far left dancer in each line, to place.
Sod off Together:
Each pair clasps shoulders and dances off. No. 1's side turn left.