Old Hob
A Dead Horse Original, named in honour of the hobs that we wear
Old Hob/ Nelson's Blood
6 dancers in a line, off the dance set, with the Music on their left
F=Forehand (high); T=Tips (middle); B=Butts (middle)
Sequence: (All moves are 16 beats unless indicated otherwise)
Dance On/ Face the Music
Long Switch
Double Diamond
Short Switch
Tip and Butts/ Open the Rose
Middle Left Hey
Long Switch
Double Star
Short Switch
Tips and Butts/ Open the Rose
Middles Right Hey
Long Switch
Endless knot
Dance On/ Face the Music:
Dance on in a circle following no. 1, finishing in a rectangle with 1 & 4 in the middle, with 1 facing the music (16 beats)
Long Switch:
Cross with partner, turning on 4 and clashing on 6 on the way back (8 beats)
Double Diamond (aka Hansard):
Line folds to left in 4 steps, repeating until back to original bed. Left-hand end stays still, middle crosses to empty middle space on left, right-hand end crosses diagonally to left to form new line. Cross left shoulders. (16 beats)
Short Switch:
Cross with partner, turning on 4, clashing on 6 on the way back, & immediately turning to face partner (8 beats)
Tips and Butts:
No 1's side start (ie. 1, 2 & 6). Sticking is B-T-BTB throughout
No 1's side start; partners return. End pairs then repeat while middle pair (1 & 4) stick once (no return) & then "Open the Rose" by turning out in a circle to face 2 & 3. Middle pair then stick with 2 & 3, who return. Middle pair change to stick with 5 & 6, whilst 2 & 3 stick with each other (32 beats)
Middles Left/ Right Hey:
Middles dance left/right to form a hay with pair to left/right. Long hey danced stick side, twice through. Middles return to original position (16 beats)
Double Star (aka Cross Yer Backs):
Line folds to left in 4 steps, repeating until back to original position (but 180 degrees from starting bed). Left-hand end stays still, middle crosses to far corner on left, right-hand end crosses behind to take up the empty middle space on left. (24 beats)
Endless Knot:
Each pair clashes on the 1st beat then the end dancers (3 & 6) lead each line in a tight circle, forming a line 90 degrees from original position (think Celtic knot). Repeat 3 times (32 beats). Lines dance off either in opposite directions or one joining the end of the other