As well as dancing the Morris, our former Molly Andy was known to sing a few songs. He also used to sing a shanty lamenting the loss of the Shantymen with the coming of steam. Here's a special song written by Alex lamenting the loss of our own Shantyman - Andy
Andy Henderson, Molly and founder member of Dead Horse Morris, died suddenly duing a Monday evening practice early in 2009. He is greatly missed by his wife Vandra, his family, dancers and musicians, his many friends and all those who ever roared with laughter at one of his larger than life performances at a Dead Horse stand. Andy was one of the best. |
You were born in Clapham in 53
Why'd you have to leave us Andyman
Then you made your home by the North Kent sea
An we're sure gone to miss you Andyman
With odd shaped balls and a willing heart
Why'd you have to leave us Andyman
Stomp man you took that field apart
An we're sure gone to miss you Andyman
Andyman oh Andyman
Sure gonner miss you Andyman
Who'll sing your songs now your dead & gone
And we're sure gonner miss you Andyman
With a warranted place in the ATC
Why'd you have to leave us Andyman
You marched in November for the memory
An we're sure gone to miss you Andyman
I remember those songs you couldn't bear no more
Why'd you have to leave us Andyman
Since you lost your mates in the Falklands War
An we're sure gone to miss you Andyman
First saw you dance in 93
Why'd you have to leave us Andyman
And you sure put the fear of god in me
An we're sure gone to miss you Andyman
At Baden-Powell's Hundred a year just gone
Why'd you have to leave us Andyman
You were a scout in a dress with your chevron's on
An we're sure gone to miss you Andyman
And you moved to London for many a year
Why'd you have to leave us Andyman
William Morris was the pattern for your time up there
An we're sure gone to miss you Andyman
And though from Kent you'd been and gone
Why'd you have to leave us Andyman
We knew one day that you'd return
An we're sure gone to miss you Andyman
You've been our Molly for a good long while
Why'd you have to leave us Andyman
And so many faces that you've made smile
An we're sure gone to miss you Andyman
Now Andy you were big, brash, bluff and bold
Why'd you have to leave us Andyman
A Giant of a man as Lily would hold
An we're sure gone to miss you Andyman
Well you married your love in June 08
Why'd you have to leave us Andyman
Glad that was a leap you didn't leave too late
An we're sure gone to miss you Andyman
And time's too short for your 55 years
Why'd you have to leave us Andyman
And I can't sing more through all these tears
An we're sure gone to miss you Andyman