
Use the Flash Player below to listen to the sounds of the Dead Horse, or download as you feel fit

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Here are some samples from out latest album 'Old Hobb'.

Use the flashplayer above, or the links below to hear some samples while you're waiting ...

And here are some samples from our debut album 'Flogging It!' - available at all our events or email to order a copy.

Other songs on the album include: Bulgine Run, Holly & Ivy, Breton Mazurka, Lark in the Clear Air, Miner's Lifeguard & The Dancing Year

Here's some songs we recorded in 2007 that didn't make it onto the album.

Here's a tongue in cheek "radio" recording from one May morning in Whitstable as Dead Horse danced the Sunrise in

"Faster than a speeding Dead Horse"

Contact: Dead Horse. Site design: JS IT Services. Unless otherwise noted, all content © Dead Horse Morris 2011.